You landed here because you are looking for somewhere to serve.

The Dream Team is a collection of smaller teams working together to advance God’s DREAM and His purposes for Transformed City. We currently have 9 regular teams and 2 special teams and each one is strategically positioned to enhance the culture of TCC Nation and serve God’s people in such a beautiful and effective way.

Hopefully, you are on the waitlist to register for or have already registered for the Activate Experience and you are exploring your options here.

It is required that you complete the Activate Experience and learn about the DNA of YOU and the DNA of TCC before you join a Dream Team.

We DO NOT want you to serve just because there is a need. We want you to serve on a team that will make you THRIVE and your gifts COME ALIVE. We want you to serve because you understand God’s dream, His purposes and intents of Transformed City in the regions we are called to. The Activate Experience was curated for this purpose.

If you have not registered yet, click here.

Otherwise, click on a team to learn more.

  • Dream Team Captain: Lendora Alston

    The Brand and Marketing Team serves as a strategic, creative agency for TCC digital and print communications. They are responsible for creating and implementing an integrated marketing and communications plan designed to position the church in the marketplace. Their focus areas include media and public relations, digital communications, social media, email, and text marketing, livestreaming and digital media arts, all visual arts and design, and branded apparel, accessories, and gifts.


  • Dream Team Captain: Pastor Bradley

    The Missions and Outreach Team serves as the evangelistic arm responsible for initiatives/campaigns of TCC as the arms and feet of Jesus Christ that provide resources and the Gospel to disenfranchised communities in Richmond, Virginia. Our initiatives include feeding the homeless, developing and distributing blessed bags, snacks, and Chic Fil-A Gift Cards, and giving to key organizations. This team also creates giving campaigns to assist in sowing to other ministries across the nation as well as partnering with international organizations. Organizations we currently support are Life Today: Wells for Life Program, FeedMore, The Salvation Army, and MercyChefs.


  • Dream Team Captain: Teacher Sharelle Jasper

    The Worshipful Arts Team known as Paradigm comprises evolving artistic expression teams of singers, dancers, flag and banner bearers, musicians and instrumentalists, poetry, drama, production, and performing arts, mimestry, painters, and step. This is truly a place for the creatives. Our focus is to shift atmospheres for God’s Spirit to manifest through the arts, release prophetic expressions of God’s Word, and reveal God’s heart using the arts.


  • Dream Team Captain: Deacon Keith Archer

    The Production and Media Team focuses on the management of the lights, sound, and cameras, and creating an excellent in-house and live streaming experience.


  • Dream Team Captain: Nardia Barnes

    The Hospitality Team focuses mainly on the home campus experience and any TCC on-site events and includes various teams such as the Outdoor Welcome Team, the Indoor Welcome Team, the Sanctuary Welcome Team, the Service Managers, the Reset Team, and the Cafe Workers. This is a fun group to join as they welcome and serve all guests that come to TCC. 


  • Dream Team Captain: Deaconess Toni Jones

    The Activate Experience Team are the first responders to those who intend to join Transformed City and focuses on hosting the Activate Experience every other month to activate discovery, development, and deployment with new members that fosters growth, community, and connection with TCC.


  • Dream Team Captain: April Henderson

    The Online Campus Experience Team is responsible for engaging our TCC Online Campus members, engaging visitors online in the comments during our live-streaming worship services, being available to pray for people when asked, connecting them to the opportunities, life groups, and teams of TCC, and creating a dynamic online experience to further assist those who connect with us to learn, heal, & become.


  • Dream Team Captain: Deaconess Toni Jones and Nardia Barnes

    The Membership Care Services Team is our care department that focuses mainly on the needs of the families of TCC including our online members. This includes any major needs and announcements of birthdays, death and bereavement, pregnancy and birth, graduation, promotions, and testimonies. This team also partners with the Missions Team and/or the Hospitality Team for resources and food as needs arise within the families of TCC.


  • Dream Team Captains: All Deacons

    The Service Management Team is responsible for the support and operational management of all church services and events including facilities management and maintenance, stock and inventory management of cleaning products and toiletries, altar management, Pastors Care, and security.


  • The following special teams are not for everybody. You must be called by God to join these teams and must contact Pastors Brad and Queen to inquire about joining one or both of these teams:

    The Decree Intercessory Prayer Team - This is the team that is assigned to pray for the agenda, the operations and administrations, the leaders, and the families of Transformed City as well as stand in the gap and spiritually intercede for the people in the regions we are called to. You must be able to articulate that you are an intercessor and be willing to meet and gather together for prayer.

    The Priests of Judah Worship Team - This team consists of the people you see singing and worshipping God on stage every Sunday. This team writes and produces their own music and they are responsible for ushering in the presence of God, living a personal, worshipful lifestyle, and be able to prophetically flow with the winds of God in full surrender and declare the Word of the Lord over the people. You must be able to meet every Sunday morning for rehearsal and be flexible in song and/or instrumentation.