We are here to serve the people!! We decree in the name of Jesus that unsaved millennials, broken people, and South Richmond VA will forever be changed by the Power of God. We are doing church like no one else to win who no one else can.  

If you feel like you’ve gone too far, we ask that you give Jesus a chance with our family. 

We are Transformed City Church aka TCC Nation!!

Transformed City is RVA's urban cafe church where you learn, heal, and BECOME. Our unorthodox environment is dedicated to teaching Jesus Christ, His Kingdom, and His authority, activating your spiritual gifts, releasing prophetic direction & insight as the Lord leads so that you can be God’s unique expression to your dying family, a dying community & marketplace, and ultimately the dying world that is hungry to discover themselves, to find purpose for living, and to be loved and accepted by their Creator.

When you encounter us, we are normally jamming during the pre-worship to unique Christian hip-hop beats with our in-house DJ, Sharelle. With coffee or cappuccino in hand, we worship the true and living God with music originally inspired by our dynamic praise & worship team, Priests of Judah and engage in a transformational Word that makes you laugh, think, and have AH-HA moments about various areas of life from our Pastors & Ministerial Leadership Team.

There is a place for you here no matter where you are from, what life experiences you have dealt with, or where you live. Our church is made up of misfits, the underdogs, the rejected & lost, who have transformed into amazing creatives, entrepreneurs, & leaders in the church, in their families, the marketplace, and the workplace. It also doesn’t matter where you live, we have a campus for you! So, choose your home, whether our home campus or our online campus. All members, regardless of location, receive all the same benefits & opportunities of engagement, community, serving, counseling, & learning spaces.

Together, as a family, we deal with the hard stuff and is comfortable with having controversial and uncomfortable conversations. I mean, someone has to talk about it, right? Aren’t you tired of not having answers to life? God has an answer for every situation in life and we are dedicated to creating a space where you can let your hair down, your walls down, get real answers, and receive revelation from God so you can LIVE FREE indeed.