Your life is

about to


If you have landed on this page, you are ready to take the GREATEST first step you can take to change your life - and that is, entering into a relationship with Jesus Christ and securing your eternal fate to be in His presence forever.

Listen! He loves you with an everlasting love and has been waiting for you. He has been working behind the scenes of your life drawing you unto Himself anticipating your heart to lean in towards Him.

If you want to make a confession of faith and start your journey with God right now, all you have to do is repent of your sins and believe in Jesus as your hope for Salvation and everlasting life.

You can pray a prayer of salvation like this:

“Dear Lord Jesus,

I know that I am a sinner but I recognize now that Jesus died on the cross for me and took my penalty for my sins; therefore, I receive Your forgiveness and I want you in my life as my Lord and my Savior. Help me to hear your voice, to know your ways, and to enjoy your presence, in Jesus Name. Amen!”

If you said this prayer with your sincere heart, there is a celebration of your decision to come Home to Jesus happening in Heaven right now. The Angels are rejoicing and so are we. We would love to hear about it. Share your experience with us.

Share your salvation experience with us. Text ‘saved’ to 804.607.8500.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

John 3:16 NKJV



Step 1 - Purchase a Bible Catered to You

This is going to be key because you cannot learn more about God if you don’t read His love letters to humanity & you won’t be able to discern His voice in your life without learning how He talks and moves through people just like you. We have a link below to a Bible on Amazon that we feel is key for new Believers. Feel free to choose the format and/or translation that is best for you, whether Kindle or hard copy, New Living Translation or another type. We highly recommend the New Living Translation for you.

Step 2 - Join a Local Church

God promises in His Word, specifically Jeremiah 3:15, that He will give you Pastors after His very own heart who will feed you with knowledge and understanding and in Hebrews 13:17, Pastors are to watch over your soul. Like Shepherds watching over sheep, they watch over your spiritual walk and direction to ensure you are navigating in the right direction. They are not to control your life but to guide you in the way you should go. Connecting with a local church like Transformed City Church, affords you the opportunity to come into an environment that promotes learning, healing, & becoming who God has destined for you to be. At TCC Nation, we are BIG on you discovering your purpose, calling, & assignment over your life and we walk together like a family. We would love to have you join us. We are two campus, one nation. You can join as a home campus member if you live near Richmond, VA or as an online campus member if you live anywhere else in the world. No pressure! Just click the link below to learn more about our Activate Experience which is our membership track where we give you the tools you need to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, Make a Difference, and join our family.

Step 3 - Connect with a Life Group

This step does NOT require that you complete steps 1 and 2 because all of our “Life Groups” are open to the public and you do not need to be a member of TCC Nation to join and participate in them. However, as a new believer, it is good to start hanging out with some people who have the same dynamics as you. So, whether you are male, female, single or married, or have teens or kids, we got you covered. Feel free to click on the links below to join. Joining groups help you to learn more about how to walk with Jesus Christ.